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Re: Europa-List: Digital ASI

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Digital ASI
From: Gerry Holland <>
Date: Thu, 28 Oct 2004 06:45:03

Craig Hi!

> I was set on the Dynon until an  RV builder friend  recomended holding off
> on the Dynon .  He had heard through his group that some RV flyers have been
> having theirs start to tilt at certain RPM.  how about you Cliff?

There is some dialogue on the Aero Electric list on this matter. I have
asked the protagonist to provide the numbers of people with the problem
rather than conjecture based on hearsay. I'm hopeful he can oblige. At the
same time I've copied Roy at Dynon Avionics for his comments.

To date I have only seen 2 at most comments on this condition and those from
RV Flyers.

In the UK the application of Dynon Unit can only be regarded for Daylight
VFR operations only at this time. A nice to have device. It is not
advertised as a TSO'd device for IFR so it shouldn't be used in that role as
I see it. If I was trusting my life to such technology in IFR flight
conditions regularly then the Dynon would be well backed up including a
standard AI. I'd probably spend a little more!

To keep a balanced prospective... Of course it should work correctly. To
date facts on poor performance of occurrences are very scarce.

If the AE list has some real facts I'll post them here.



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