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RE: Europa-List: Impact of MUW in cruise speeds

Subject: RE: Europa-List: Impact of MUW in cruise speeds
From: Tony Krzyzewski <>
Date: Tue, 29 Jun 2004 16:07:03

>> I was just curious as to folks experience on the change in cruise
sped (if any) of adding a passenger.

With ZK-UBD we've noticed that the cruise speed improves with a
passenger on board. It improves even more as the CofG is pushed back.

I didn't mention it at the time for fear of being flamed but I have
documentary and photo evidence of UBD flying straight and level at
146knots Indicated, 149knots True at 1000amsl during a test flight ...
while being tracked by military radar who confirmed my ground speed. To
achieve this the aircraft was loaded at its maximum aft CofG.
Photos of the instrument panel from this flight are available upon

For those who have been following my log I apologise for the lack of
updates but I've been getting my life back in order.



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