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Re: Europa-List: Take off power tests

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Take off power tests
From: James Nelson <>
Date: Sat, 6 Mar 2004 20:28:32

        In addition to tieing the tail wheel down, I also ran a piece of
room up forward around the main wheel and back to the same tie down.  I
used a convenient tie down ring at the airport which happened to be a
bent over re-bar in a concrete slug in the ground.  This worked very
well.  I ran it up to full rpm for five minutes.  This is more than
enough for you to take off and get to a decent altitude while you fly
around the airport in a circle.  We just notified the other aircraft we
were doing a first flight and would be in the pattern at about 1500 to
2000'.  This way we could always do a dead stick landing of necessary up
wind or down wind.  After about 20 minutes in the pattern, first landing
and shut down for a check out and then back into the air----------- What
a lovely time for a video camera to show what many years of hard work
(but fun) can do.......

Jim Nelson

<> writes:
> <>
> Hi all,
> One of the tests I wish to make it to ensure that the engine will 
> develop full take off power for 5 minutes.  Could someone advise me 
> on how to secure the aircraft safely for this task.
> Thanks, Paul

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