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Re: Europa-List: cowling hardware

Subject: Re: Europa-List: cowling hardware
From: nigel charles <>
Date: Mon, 8 Sep 2003 18:06:28

I used Southco fasteners. They have relatively small receptacle fittings
making a neater installation. The longest ones I could find were the -260.
These worked out fine but the receptacles will need shimming to get the
correct tension so initial installation can be a bit time consuming. I still
think it is worth it especially on the Classic with 33 fasteners for both
cowls. Cowl removal and refitting is much quicker and easier and you don't
have to worry about the anchor nuts wearing loose. Don't kid yourself that
you won't be removing at least the top cowl very often. If they are used on
the lower cowl the receptacles will need slight rebating to enable fitting.
The existing Tinnerman washers can be used to spread the clamping load but
they need reaming out slightly to accommodate the fasteners. I found it more
convenient to Redux the Tinnerman washers in position reducing the chances
of them being dropped and lost. As it is still easy to drop the fasteners
themselves it is a good idea to carry a few spares. Further details are
available in the club mod available through the club website.

On another subject I have obtained some more of the stainless tube for the
club outrigger pivot mod. If anyone would like some send me an e-mail with
their e-mailing address. The cost will be 3 (incl p&p within the UK and at
cost elsewhere). I have enough for 12 sets. You will still need to buy the
other parts but these are readily available and cheap.

Nigel Charles

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