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Re: Re: Europa-List: Subaru Engine Mount design

Subject: Re: Re: Europa-List: Subaru Engine Mount design
Date: Thu, 12 Jun 2003 10:50:51

Don't want to appear to be a nag here, as I know I sent a message yesterday, 
but I was wondering if you could also put me onto someone, PFA, or whoever 
that might have that engine mount diagram. I am also interested in e-mailing 
someone else who has a flying Subaru, and a recent look through old Europa 
Club publications tells me that there are about half a dozen in the UK. Can you

put me onto someone who is flying as I would like to ask the following 

and some more that don't immediately come to mind. Thanks again, in 
Q1. How significant is the weight and balance in terms of a/c construction 
compromises(repositioning of batteries etc), and more importantly
Q2. Are the flight control characteristics any different. I wouldn't imagine 
could be, other than the a/c is overall heavier. As long as the a/c is within 
limits, the flight controls shouldn't vary from one powerplant to another. That
right isnt' it??? I know its right, I think!
Q3. What fuel consumption are you getting at 75% power, and what revs is that?

For prop purchasing etc, what is the ratio of prop reduction you are using, and

wheat prop are you also using. 
Q4. This company can build up a 125 HP, continuous, EFI 
engine that weighs about 200lbs empty. That isn't too bad, and as I am 80 
kg/175cm (160 lb/5'9"), I could probably go OK in a Subaru powered a/c. 

> <> wrote:
> >
> > In a message dated 6/10/2003 3:01:36 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
> > writes:
> >
> > > Not quite, I have a Subaru engine for mine:)
> >
> > According to their website their "wet" weight for the 108 HP
> Subaru,
> without
> > prop, is 242 Lbs, 64 lbs greater than the Rotax 912S.
> "Not quite" was re. the quote about no UK builders planning to use a
> Subaru
> engine.
> Cheers,
> Mark.
> _-
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> ===

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