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Re: Diesel

Subject: Re: Diesel
From: Graham Singleton <>
Date: Sat, 4 Jan 2003 01:13:13

>Can anyone give me an update on the Wilcsh diesel engine. It all appears to
>have gone quiet and I haven't heard of any more been fitted?
>Kev T

Well, sort of,
The first production engine is going to fly as soon as the paper work 
settles on the ground. Not in a Europa because that needs a Europa 
qualified test pilot, and they are a little bit rare. Excuse perhaps, but 
maybe a valid one IMHO. It will be a Thorpe 211, not so interesting an 
airplane but there you go. (IM >HO).
The first customer engines will start to be fitted as soon as that series 
of test flights is successfully completed.
I would be very pleased to fit one in my Long EZ but haven't got the 
delivery slot or the cash. So I'm fitting a Lyconomental IO-320, with a 
Berkut style installation. Foolish I know, I'm steadily running out of 
steam, but that seemed like the most logical answer at the time of decision.

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