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Re: Cowl NACA Vent

Subject: Re: Cowl NACA Vent
From: Richard <>
Date: Fri, 3 Jan 2003 15:52:51
The manual advises drilling two 1/8th. inch holes at the lowest points of
the plenum chamber, just before the air enters the carb. I did query this
with the factory, wondering if unfiltered air /debris might be sucked in but
they said they haven't had a problem with this.

Richard Iddon. G-RIXS

-----Original Message-----
Subject:  Cowl NACA Vent

Greetings All!

Happy and prosperous New Year
Tailwinds too!

In mounting my engine recently down at FlightCrafters and now mentally
preparing (in New York)
to place the suggested NACA vent inlet over the airbox, I unleased a query
within my fevered brow.
When flying in rain, how do you keep the  engine from drowning?  (I know -
dont fly in the rain!  ;-) )



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