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Re: Tubing to Pitot Head

Subject: Re: Tubing to Pitot Head
From: Fred Fillinger <>
Date: Mon, 29 Jul 2002 15:55:30
Roger Mills wrote:
> Just a small correction - there WILL be SOME lag with whatever tubing
> you use - all I can say is that I was unable to detect any difference
> when I blew gently across the end of the supplied tubing connected to
> the ASI compared with an equal length of 1/8" bore nylon tubing -
> obviously try it and ask your inspector before committing to a change!
> Regards
> Roger Mills

Actually you want "lag" in the system.  Many airspeed indicators have
a metering setup, adjustable via a tiny screw accessible through the
pitot connection.  If not correctly adjusted, the symptom is the
needle waggles when low and slow in turbulence.  Thus 1/8" ID plumbing
should work fine, though maybe more susceptible to clogging.

Fred F., N3EU

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