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Re: Aileron Front Bearing Setup

Subject: Re: Aileron Front Bearing Setup
From: Richard Iddon <>
Date: Mon, 8 Apr 2002 15:16:14

I have just completed this job and It wasn't as difficult as I anticipated.
The critical joint to get straight it appeared to me was the bond of the
bush CS03 to the tube CS04. What I did was to put a couple of turns of
masking tape around the tube, in such a position that it entered the inner
end of the bush by about 1mm, thus holding that end in exactly the right
position. I then clamped the tube in a vice as per the manual and bonded on
the bush. The outer end of the bush you can check visually to ensure that it
is central. I used the points of a couple of cocktail sticks at one stage
just to keep it that way. The other thing I found was that a straight Redux
mix was a bit thin and runny so on a later bond, I tried mixing a little
flox in and this made it stiffer and it didn't run out of the joint as

I think your film should be just about right. I used a 2 thou thick bit and
thought afterwards that it could have been a bit thicker.

I am just about to flox the assembly onto the cockpit module and have
discovered that if you open up the bolt holes in the module from 4.8mm
(3/16ths inch ) to 5mm., it allows the whole bearing assembly to waggle
about just a bit easier and thus 'self centre' and allow the bearings to run
freely.  I Reckon that the tiny amount of slack will be filled with flox on
assembly.  I'll let you know if I run into any other problems with the


Richard Iddon (533)

-----Original Message-----
Subject:  Aileron Front Bearing Setup

I am about to bond/redux my aileron components and wish to know of another
medium other than  fishing line to attach within the flanged component and
its insert. I see the limitation of the fishing line being my method of
attachment such that it doesn't protrude above the level of the line. Any
tips with this setup would be appreciated, albeit I am decided upon using
car window tinting film of 4 thou thickness as a spacer between the front
face of the bearing and the inner surface of the flange to help to minimise
Tony Renshaw
Builder No. 236
Tony Renshaw
Builder No.236

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