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Re: Fw: Access panel/inspection hatch

Subject: Re: Fw: Access panel/inspection hatch
From: Bob Harrison <>
Date: Wed, 20 Feb 2002 20:14:26
Hi!Ira/ All .
The firewall is a structurally critical diaphragm and any holes cut need to
be re-enforced in a manner suitable to spread the loading round the holes
,not withstanding the fire implications .
I had a modification cleared by the PFA and a consultant engineer made an
assessment  to their satisfaction.
It is available for viewing at
The holes are surrounded by a stainless flange and the removed pieces of
firewall reused as
covers. The whole of the rear of the firewall ,behind the panel is covered
with a sheet of light gauge aluminium sandwiched between the flanges and the
existing firewall and between the panel and the fire wall round the
edges.(Wish I'd used nickel alloy stainless to act as a part barrier against
radio interference.)
Bob Harrison  G-PTAG  Europa 337 MKI /Jabiru 3300

-----Original Message-----
Subject: Re:  Fw: Access panel/inspection hatch

Hi All,

Several of the aircraft I have seen at Flightcrafters have installed
stainless inspection hatches in the firewall behind both the radio and
main instrument panels.  I plan on the same.


Ira A224   --->  now N224XS  <----
XS Trigear

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