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RE: Tailplane mass balance stops

Subject: RE: Tailplane mass balance stops
From: Tony S. Krzyzewski <>
Date: Thu, 31 Jan 2002 12:57:12

My XS manual only calls for 4 degrees down.  That 5th degree would cause
a similar problem for me.

Is there something I should know??

Yes, get hold of the current final check list once you start doing the
rigging setup. I found that there were a few things in there that make
life easier. For instance, I was fighting to get the aileron
differential within the specs shown in the manual but found that they
are well within the tolerances allowed in the final check list.

As far as I can recall (being in the office at the present time and not
with manual in hand) the final check list calls for 4 -0,+1 degrees down
and 12 -0,+1 degrees up movement for the stabilators. Someone with the
final check list close will be able to verify the actual figures.
Certainly the reading is that it should not be less that 4 degrees down.


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