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Fwd: Europa Company Sold

Subject: Fwd: Europa Company Sold
From: Lyle Antieau <>
Date: Tue, 2 Oct 2001 10:15:14
I just called the Florida, and they're not saying anything.  John says there's

going to be an announcement either today or tomorrow.

He promised to send a copy of the statement here when it's been released.


----- Forwarded message from Garry Stout <> -----
Date: Tue, 2 Oct 2001 08:42:41 -0400
From: Garry Stout <>
Subject: Europa Company Sold

I just heard a rumor that the Europa company has been sold to new owners
within the past 30 days.  Can anyone on the net confirm this, and provide
any details?  What might be the impact of this sale on builders and
currently flying owners?  Is this a good thing or a bad thing.  Any
speculations on why the company was sold?  Opinions welcome.

(813) 878-3929
FAX (813) 878-5651, Internet ID

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