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Re: Tail dragger XS3300

Subject: Re: Tail dragger XS3300
From: John Cliff <>
Date: Sat, 17 Mar 2001 10:57:33
> I am almost convinced to convert my mono wheel carriage to tail-dragger.
> The space gained by eliminating (mostly) the central tunnel should provide
> the space for laptop nav unit and drink holder.
> The space gained by eliminating the wheel well should provide for better
> exhaust collection and augmentation.
> Any other prospective converts out (in) there?
> Gear installation and cabin reinforcement are the mods.

I am converting to taildragger. I asked PFA Engineering (design changes are
subject to approval in the UK) about cutting down the tunnel. They were
concerned about maintaining its dimensions in the vertical direction. The
situation of concern was a heavy landing and the inertia loads imposed on the
fuselage by the engine without either a mainwheel or a nosewheel to help meet
those loads.

John Cliff

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