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Re: How to handle the fuel tank connection when going Al

Subject: Re: How to handle the fuel tank connection when going Al
Date: Thu, 21 Dec 2000 20:01:46

The method I used was to use the supplied Europa fittings and bridge the
fittings to the aluminum fuel line with a small piece (6") of rubber fuel
line.  I might have to replace the rubber in a few years but it is only a
small piece.

Erich Trombley

> All:
> I'm considering going all-aluminum for my fuel lines (firewall-aft 
> only, of course) and am wondering how
> to handle the fuel tank connections.  The present arrangement has 
> the fuel hose nib fitting going into
> the 1" OD outlets from the tank, and the hose nib fitting clamped to 
> the tank using a 1.0" I.D.  fuel hose
> spanning the outlet and the fitting.  Hmm.
> How have others mounted AN fittings to the outlet?  Can it be done 
> without the spanning hose arrangement?
> Thanks,
> Shaun
> A207

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