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Re: Rudder pedals

Subject: Re: Rudder pedals
From: Graham Singleton <>
Date: Wed, 28 Jun 2000 20:26:18
>.  It seemed also that
>there were differences in comfort depending upon
>how much the torso is reclined.  Of course, there
>are no standard dimensions for the "human" type
>This may be an ignorant suggestion, but maybe you
>might slice up some seat foam in various reclining
>angles and find the best overall compromise (with
>instrument panel in place, and don't forget
>headroom vis-a-vis the door "perspex").

I agree. The more recline you can achieve the better. A vertical back is 
very bad , especially in a heavy (or worse) landing. The other vital thing 
is to get the head as high as possible so that visibility over the nose is 
good during landing.
I now also believe, from painful experience, that the styrofoam bean bag I 
was sat upon saved me from badly crushed vertebrae. Elastic foam compresses 
at the wrong rate so that the airplane might be moving upwards, having 
bounced, while you are still moving down. Styrofoam absorbs the energy by 
crushing more gradually.


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