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Re: Cockpit Module

Subject: Re: Cockpit Module
From: Fred Fillinger <>
Date: Sun, 25 Jun 2000 22:05:53
Heather & Jim --

Yeah, I found that strange, too.  But it gets cut
off.  Minimum gaps in the bonding process means
less Redux ($155.00/qt., I hear, if you run out)
and less weight.

Fred Fillinger, A063, N3EU
> Hi everyone.  We (Heather & Jim) are new builders of an XS (builder A185).
> We're working on the cockpit module and started to fit it to the fuselage
> bottom.  There is a lip on the module on the outside about 3/8" wide starting
> about 3 inches in front of  the head rest and going all the way to the rear,
> in other words right along the part line between the top and bottom fuselage
> halves.  Was this supposed to be trimmed off?  I don't see any of the trim
> lines but the lip holds the module away from the fuselage side.
> We'd appreciate any suggestions (experiences!).
> And thanks for this site and everyone's web pages.  We read  (and hopefully
> learn).
> Heather & Jim Butcher

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