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RE: stall warner [was Re: carb heat]

Subject: RE: stall warner [was Re: carb heat]
From: Rowland & Wilma Carson <>
Date: Sat, 15 Apr 2000 09:50:56

>  Since the unending completion of forms and surveys irritates me herewith my
>  PFA No:- 26577/3
>  I probably looked at the form and decided since the space was limited it
>  called for a YES or a NO!!!!

Sorry to embarrass you in public! I guess I will have to redesign the 
form, as you are by no means the only one of many likely PFA members 
to have not filled it in. I even added a custom query (only for UK 
members whose PFA membership number was blank) to the renewal 
reminders I sent out by e-mail, without getting much response.

>  Whilst I'm in touch with you ,a while ago I asked what goes with this
> ? Has the details changed ? 
> because
I must
>  have missed the notice and significance.

Around the middle of February, the Europa e-mail list was moved from 
its host at avnet to a different server computer. Aliases were set up 
in the original location, so that to us users things should work the 
same. However, some munging of the headers is necessary, and 
depending on how you've got your e-mail client set up to hide or 
display headers, you may notice some changes there.

Unfortunately, this was all supposed to be so tranparent to the users 
that Tom Dawes-Gamble did not trouble to even announce that it was 
happening. Like you, I noticed the changed headers, but sadly did not 
think to check up on how Tom's changes would affect the archives. By 
the time I discovered that no archiving had been happening since the 
changeover, we had lost a month and a half of messages. The archiving 
is now switched on again. We will try to reconstruct the missing 
archives from message stored in individuals' computers, but that will 
take time. I have asked Tom to make some changes to the way the 
server works (to eliminate the HTML problems I keep complaining 
about!), which will likely introduce further effects in the headers 
of some messages.

Dennis, who has taken over from Gerry as Europa Club internet rep, 
should also be managing the list and should have spotted this problem 
sooner, but he is pretty committed elsewhere and has been 
concentrating mainly on re-vamping the Europa Club website. If anyone 
else out there thinks they could spare a few minutes a day to manage 
the list, I'm sure Dennis would be glad to share that part of the 
load. You can interface with the server by either e-mail or website, 
and the main task is to check for bounced messages. Ditch the junk, 
and forward any authentic messages that the server has choked on for 
some reason. Job applicants form an orderly line, please!


(sent from a building site somewhere in Gloucestershire ....)

           ... that's Rowland with a 'w' ...

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