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Re: New on line. Tailwheel mod.

Subject: Re: New on line. Tailwheel mod.
Date: Sun, 9 Apr 2000 15:33:00
It will be interesting to get a lot of replies on this.  Afte 63 hrs with 
this mod.  one tends to forget the earlier one as familiarity grows with the 
new, but to summarise:-

1) I find the ground turning circle inadequate without bursts from the 
 (the lower weight on the wheel gives more skidding, nullifying the turning 
action during ground handling, judged by ground observations).
2)  In the absence of a compensating increase in wing rigging incidence to 
match the change of deck angle, the ground attitude is further from  the 
stall angle of attack, tending to faster landings or tail wheel touchdowns.
3) The conical mounting of the forward arm bolt is not strong enough and 
needs a cross member added to prevent the bolt bending. (I still have the 
bent bolt).  So follow Graham S's addition here too !
4) Anything which brings the prop. nearer the ground is a bad thing. 

On the positive side, the springs allow the wheel to move to the correct 
track and avoids the destabilising lurches one got with crosswind landings. I 
like the sound of a method which John Moran has just been communicated to me, 
which drives the rudder direct, with springs to the "old" tailwheel. 

As for << and weather is always perfect! >>, where was the Smiley (:-)) ?
and you didn't mention the Highland Aeroclub Fly-in, Inverness 29th/30th 
Tel. 01479 810 733

Graham C. G-EMIN

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