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Flying: Fuel consumption in 'Classic' with Rotax 912.

Subject: Flying: Fuel consumption in 'Classic' with Rotax 912.
Date: Tue, 17 Aug 1999 09:21:18

Does anyone know the value of engine RPM which would correspond to 75 %
power in the standard 912 UL fitted to the Europa ?

At the current prop. setting my engine RPM reads just over 5000 static, 4820
in the climb, and circa 5700 firewalled, S & L. (Figures accurately measured
on Rotax Flydat). I do not have the cool air, plenum box mod.

The reason for my question....

                   'Fuel burn @ 75%:      4.5 US gph'

This corresponds to 3.75 Imp gal/hr or 17 litre/hr.

My long term actuals, range from 15 - 17.8 litre/hr at cruise RPM of around
4800 - 5200, and I was wondering how closely this correlated with Rotax'
published figures.

It would make sense if 5100 RPM corresponded to approximately 75% power, as
this would tie in with the published figures. 

I could look at some of the data in the engine manual for this, but was
wondering what results other people have been getting ?

Many of you appear to have quoted figures of around 11 - 12 litre hour which
I could not achieve without throttling back to much lower RPM's.

I'm fortunate to have a large (early design) 84 litre tank in my a/c. This
gives a safe maximum of around 70 litres useable in main or about 4 1/4
hours endurance at standard cruise (approximately 450 nautical miles).

Alan Stewart
ab ASE - Advanced Systems Engineering
BT Adastral Park. Tel:- +44 (0) 1473 607571 / Fax:- 606845

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