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Re: TRIMMING aileron clearance

Subject: Re: TRIMMING aileron clearance
From: Tony Krzyzewski <>
Date: Tue, 30 Mar 1999 09:20:20
>   "Ensure aileron travel of 25deg up and 22deg down is available. Trim
>the wing's top skin flange as required but to a minimum of 6mm (1/4").
>The final travel............."

I read it to mean that the flange should be no less wide than 6mm. You won't
need to go that far.
I used a highly scientific method of determining "interference" spacing -
where any one moving surface meets a fixed surface a minimum of one mixing
stick gap is required at all points of travel.

The other things you need to do when setting up the ailerons are...

 1/ Check the tolerances permitted with the movement, trying to set them up
to exactly 25 up and 22 down when rigged may result in a  minor nervous
breakdown unless you have a perfectly built set of wings. There are a lot of
linkage adjustments in the aileron system so be prepared to spend quite some
time adjusting them back and forth to get it right.

2/ Do the trimming and set up with the wings in flying attitude, not on
their leading edges. It -does- make a difference.

Have fun :-)


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