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Aileron Hinges......@#$%

Subject: Aileron Hinges......@#$%
From: Fergus Kyle <>
Date: Mon, 8 Mar 1999 22:26:18

     I write contrite. I am building the "classic".
     One of the things I did to speed up production was to work on the
ailerons in parallel with the large wing lay-ups, so that when one was
hardening, I worked on the other. There was no mention of 'warp' or
adjustment for washout of the ailerons that I know of. Suddenly, I run
across a considerable dissertation on same by our NZ confreres. Did I
miss something?
     Another (which must be common) failing was my following exactly the
lines of the aileron foam core...... while not noticing the little
admonition about checking to see if there was enough 'flange' to
accomodate the -5 hinge width. My two ailerons are EXACTLY the same -
both to narrow by 3/16 inch.............
     The dilemma: Can I heat a conductive plate and PRRRESSSS a softened
corner back sufficiently, or can I slit the corner and rebuild with
slavers of epoxy back into the foam? The real trouble is I read about
some cracked flanges near the ail. hinges, and worn hinge wires, so I
added an extra layer to the hinge area layups, and incorporated an extra
1 inch length of hinge, at root and tip. (The wing has the same change
to correspond).
     Your expertise and experience in these two instances would be
invaluable! Otherwise I guess it means another re-build...........
     Many thanks in advance
Ferg kyle

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