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Re: Problems fitting flaps (Classic Wing)

Subject: Re: Problems fitting flaps (Classic Wing)
From: Ed <>
Date: Mon, 25 Jan 1999 18:30:31
Hi Miles

I can`t tell you the dimensons of the root chord of the top of my head, but
you should have constructed a jig that will , when the LE is snug in the
jig, give you exactly the dimension you require to the TE of the flap, and
indeed the angle that it is supposed to be at in its up position. Indeed we
had to remove 5mm from the trailing eadge of the flap in order to get it to
fit. Also quite alot of the bottom flange of the closeout is removed. Ours
is just over an inch. I dont recall anything about a 5mm gap between the
rounded LE of the flap and the closeout. Is that desirable? I thought that
is was a kind of stop for the flap.

Anyway I will go to the workshop tuesday and take a closer look as we have
just done that part ourselves


////Eddie Hatcher///Bill Lams///Nick Crisp////
///////South East London Flying Group///////
-----Original Message-----
From: Miles McCallum <>
Date: Sunday, January 24, 1999 4:38 PM
Subject: Problems fitting flaps (Classic Wing)

>last) and discovered that:
>With the bottom closeout flange left rough trimmed (2" from nearest slot)
>and the flap spaced 5mm from the forward face of the closeout
>and the bottom of the flap pressed against the closeout
>I have a consistent 6mm gap between the top of the flap and the top flange
>of the closeout.
>All I can think is that the flap cores (it's pretty much the same on both
>wings) were cut undersized.
>However, the ailerons (which seem to fit pretty near perfectly) are a
>reasonable match for the outboard end of the flap -with the flap a little
>thicker if anything. Moving the flap aft doesn't help. With the 5mm spacer
>the root chord is 50.5".
>Can sanyone tell me the dimension of the thickest point, root end of their
>Any one else experience the same thing?
>Any suggested fix schemes?
>As it happens, I have never seen a Europa with its flaps up -so I have no
>idea what "standard" gaps look like.
>All the best,

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