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Re: Rotax ... attachment

Subject: Re: Rotax ... attachment
From: Goldwing Aviation System <>
Date: Wed, 23 Dec 1998 00:20:59
Point Taken! I meant to type Avnet..
Merry Xmas!
-----Original Message-----
From: Europa Club Membership Secretary <>
Date: 22 December 1998 22:09
Subject: Re: Rotax ... attachment

>> plain text only which seems to
>>be what usenet users want..
>Yvan - thanks for broadcasting the hint about how to use Outlook Express,
>I'm sure many others will find that helpful.
>I just want to correct one thing mentioned in your message. The Europa
>forum is an e-mail list, _not_ a usenet newsgroup. I know the two things
>perform a very similar function for the end-user, but there are important
>differences in the mechanics of how it gets done (finding the forum,
>subscribing to it, and method of information dissemination), and in the
>level of control that can be exercised over the forum (see
>rec.aviation.homebuilt for an example of the way things can go out of
>control!). And of course many people (including yours truly) will prefer to
>use different tools to read usenet newsgroups from those they use to read
>e-mail messages - not everyone likes to use a bloated web browser for all
>possible purposes!
>Rowland Carson
>Europa Club Membership Secretary
>PFA 16532   EAA 168386

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