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RE: Does anyone know?

Subject: RE: Does anyone know?
From: Graham Singleton <>
Date: Thu, 17 Dec 1998 19:51:24
Message text written by Plantragg Developments
>Graham. I'm begining to think that there is TWO EUROPA 
MANUFACTURERS/SUPPLIERS. !!!!!????? One day in the last seven - can't 
remember which because it is 'headless chicken' week! - I was speaking to 
Andy Draper trying to get some update and he categorically denied that they

had no intent to do any further testing on MKI wings. Far too costly and no

benefit to them <

All true, except the bit about 2 Europa manufacturers. What happened is
this. PFA relaxed a bit and allowed that it would not be necessary to do
this test on a fuselage and Europa happened to have a scrap wing. This
meant that the test could be done relatively cheaply.

How do I know all this? I've been a friend of Ivan Shaw since we both built
EZs. He showed me how. I was there when Europa was conceived, along with a
couple of other EZ builders. Ivan had the drive, determination and sheer
cussedness to push the whole thing through to where it is now. The fact
that he may be a little stubborn is something I'm glad about. If he wasn't
we wouldn't have our Europas. 

Andy Draper has an enormous pile of faxes and Emails that he tries to wade
through in chronological order. Sometimes I feel sorry for him and chip in
with an answer  when I can. Unpaid, I hasten to add and therefore unbiased?
I hope.

BTW Andy built a Long EZ too. Burt Rutan's influence spread wide.


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