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Re: Re: Europa Website

Subject: Re: Re: Europa Website
From: Gerry Holland <>
Date: Thu, 17 Dec 1998 07:28:18

>I guess if you're reading this I'm probably preaching to the converted, but
>if the perception above emanated from the factory then I think its a bit
>shortsighted - or at least providing for the lowest common denominator.

It was only a perception based on the Factory rightly commenting that a
lot of Builders are not Computer savvy, and that generally it can seem
readily accepted by some in UK that 'this Internet thing' wont last!  
>Unfortunately, the Internet seems to be still regarded by some as a sort of
>'computer nurd' type thing and not to be taken too seriously.
Agreed. you get the feeling that even GOvernments are alarmed at the
power of the Internet could lead to undetected civil uprising through
'real' communication they have no control over. (personal opinion)
Witnessed by government spokesman focussing on Unsocial activities and
Information on the Net and conveniently steering away from positive
>In fact I would say that in the U.S  it is almost 'expected' for
>manufacturers to use the web as more than just another method of
>advertising and to provide details of 'known issues' and workarounds as
>well as official mods.

>Because people build at different rates, the posting of factory written mod
>status e-mails to all builders indictating 'if you're about to do such and
>such - hold on, there's a mod imminent' would be of real benefit. It would
>also cut out the 'mod rumors' we sometimes see floating around this forum.
At the risk of sounding like a selling 'pitch'. My own Company sell Web
based Software to allow Companies to do exactly this including Security
of access. Several large Manafacturers and 'national' Service Providers
are using it to issue procedural or maintenance instructions including a
UK/European Aircraft Manafacturer.
Customers are 'subscribed' to documents so changes or updates are
automatically e-mailed to Customer with 'Web' location details. The
Documents are then downloaded directly from Mailnote in PDF format
(Portable Document Format) for viewing and Printing.
Free text Search is available to 'search' the Information Repository
allowing 'intelligent' access and download to all information based on
security level and from any location worldwide.

End of selling!!
>Many 'publishing' software packages these days on which hardcopy
>newsletters are written will also convert to HTML for use on the Internet
>so its not difficult to do.

Conversion to PDF allows small file size with Graphics and colour
(color) to view and print directly from Publishing Software. Also
retaind 'look and feel' of original publication independent of Browser.
>How about it Europa Aviation?

I'm willing to talk generally to Europa and demonstrate a variety of
suitable applications. Perhaps as well as taking builders general
details a survey should be carried out regarding access to Computers and
Use of CD distibution of Manuals with update issue over the Web is
another 'cost efective' information mechanism.

Thanks Martin for adding value on this subject.

Finally to say this is not meant to be a 'moan' at Europa-Aviation, just
concerned interest in providing pertinent Customer service and
information adding value to their excellent aircraft Kit.

Kind Regards and Best Wishes for next year to all.

Gerry Holland
Intranet Solutions Inc.
Mobile  +44 (0) 374 755889
Office  +44 (0) 1761 435706
Fax     +44 (0) 1761 432472

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