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Engine Commissioning

Subject: Engine Commissioning
From: Graham Singleton <>
Date: Sun, 6 Dec 1998 17:24:13
Message text written by "Martin J.Tuck"
>OK I've got these tests to do but what if I don't
achieve the required minimums/maximums. Anyone done these tests and found
that they couldn't achieve the requirements?

Hi Martin, I know the feeling. 
First test,
Connect a longish clear tube to the outlet from the mecanical pump. Then
pump fuel with the electric pump and check for bubbles. After the first 30
seconds there must be NO Bubbles. If there are the fuel flow with low tank
will not be enough for full power. After you've sorted any air leaks,( no
apparent fuel leaks won't necessarily mean no air leaks, ) start checking
fuel flows.

If it's low look for blocked filters.

Fit fuel pressure gauge, for piece of mind. Don't take off without a glance
at it.

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