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RE: Vne

Subject: RE: Vne
From: Plantragg Developments <>
Date: Thu, 3 Dec 1998 08:18:27
Good Morning all  !
It perhaps doesn't take a lot to get me confused but I recall someone 
recently copied a letter from the PFA saying that Europa aircraft are only 
cleared to 150KTS Vne ?I know that I was under the impression that I was 
making a purchase of a kit that gave a specification of 165KTS Vne when I 
purchased Kit 337  and since I am currently installing the Jabiru 3300 x6 
cylinder any reduction of the cleared Vne makes me twitch !
Would someone of authority please advise me as to whether I've been conned 
or not? I find this especially frustrating when I am just about to buy my 
ASI with suitable marking. Naturally I appreciate the good news that there 
is a positive move , at last , to try to uplift the Mark 1 MTOW .
Replies would greatly oblige.
Regards and compliments of the season to all.


-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent:        02 December 1998 16:44
Subject:        Vne

Hi Tony:

Vne = 165 KTS


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