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Re: Rudder Cable/Fuel hose conflict

Subject: Re: Rudder Cable/Fuel hose conflict
From: David Watts <>
Date: Sun, 29 Nov 1998 21:30:16
>Tomorrow I am due to bond the module into the lower half of the (XS)
>fuselage.   While conducting all the final checks I was surprised (and more
>than a little horrified) by the potential for conflict between the rudder
>cables and hoses coming from the tank outlets.   It seems a certain recipe
>for disaster.   What have I missed?   How are the hoses routed to avoid
>being sawn in half early on by the cables?

Our rudder cables to fuel pipes clearance is very little in deed. At the 
worst point just aft of the cable pulleys there is little opportunity for 
the cable to move vertically very much. Further aft, on the drain tube route 
the clearance is a bit more. We have covered the fuel tubes with spiral wrap 
and cable tied them as far out of the way as possible. In 220 hours of use 
the dust that collects on the tubes shows no signs of any contact from the 

Dave Watts 'XDY

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