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Re: Trimming wet cloth.

Subject: Re: Trimming wet cloth.
From: John Wigney <>
Date: Sun, 22 Nov 1998 17:56:00
> Warren Webb wrote:
> I'm a new builder from just outside Sydney, Australia.
> I have just started building the XS kit and I'm having trouble
> trimming the wet cloth.  The sissors that I used were clearly
> inadequate and made it very difficult to keep the cloth in place.
> I would be grateful for any tips on how to make this job easier.
> Thanks
> Warren Webb


I use cheap office scissors but sharpen them regularly with a diamond
honing stick, seems to work fine. The hones I use are medium and ultra
fine and are made by "EZE LAP", available from woodworking stores and
catalogs. Price varies from $5 to $10 each (coarser more expensive!) One
mail order supplier is Woodcraft at 1-800-535-4482.

If you can't get these, I suggest clamping the scissors in a vise and
applying a fine grade carborundum sharpening stone to each blade at
about 10 deg bevel. Sharpening the scissors for every job and wiping the
edges with an acetone cloth keeps the edges in good shape.

Cheers, John Wigney A099

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