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Re: Pitot-Static Head

Subject: Re: Pitot-Static Head
From: James Naylor <>
Date: Mon, 20 Jul 1998 08:48:25

> I have already committed to provisions for a pitot-static installation on
> port wing in what I believe was the previous position, viz. about 1/3
> distance aft of the L.E. and about 1 ft. inboard of the aileron.  Does
> improvement due to location justify redoing this location (not now a
> job) to the recommended aft and outboard location?

> Pops
> A-036

I have tried fitting it next to the bell crank inspection hatch, which is
close to your location but the results were not good.  It was fine in the
clean configuration, but with flaps down gave a 10 Kt error.  Do the extra
work it is worth it!. 
As a matter of interest for those like myself who did not provide for it in
the build, I have run the tubes along the flap close out, turned them up
along the aleron push rod channel into and across the aleron housing, and
into a lightening channel that coincides with the correct position.  I used
6mm OD nylon tube as used for industrial air systems, but I can see no
reason why the type of tube used on aquarium oxygenating pumps would not
suffice, providing care is taken not to flatten it when rounding the


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