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Re: Re: Fuel Tank

Subject: Re: Re: Fuel Tank
From: Fergus Kyle <>
Date: Fri, 22 Aug 1997 14:30:53

> I've been pondering on this fuel tank business -and have come to the
> conclusion that I'm not enamoured with the idea of a variable volume tank...
> I have tracked down the chap doing composite fuel tanks,-and very nice they
> are too (double skinned with a honeycomb core) but a cost of 700 sterling
> makes me choke somewhat. Anyone toying with the idea of an ali tank, and how
> to fit it?
> Miles

     I have a later kit than you and it incorporates a  "stable" tank made from
a different plastic. I suggest you contact Ivan and his elves for more info.
If  no lick, come back to me and will dig out the reference item.
Happy Landings

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