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Archives, Web Site and Channel 4 !

Subject: Archives, Web Site and Channel 4 !
Date: Wed, 20 Aug 1997 09:35:57

Monu and I have now generated the html versions of the e-mail sent to the Europa
List. Apologies to those who have been waiting a while for this. Goto........ 

Thanks to Thomas Scherer there are now some new pages on the Europa Club Web
site. Thomas took some photos of the Europa XS at Oshkosh and also has updated
the photos of his own project. Many thanks to him for the contribution. 

Finally, did anyone in the UK watch  "Plane Crazy" on Channel 4 last night ? Bob
Cringley (sp?) (The IT guru) is attempting to design, build and fly his own
plane in 30 days. Many famous homebuilders were interviewed including Burt
Rutan.  Two more episodes to go. Very entertaining !!!

Best Wishes


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