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RE: HDT vs OAT???

Subject: RE: HDT vs OAT???
From: Martin J.Tuck <>
Date: Sat, 26 Jul 1997 21:43:07
RE: HDT vs OAT???

Yes, my old tailplane manual has a graph in it comparing various colors vs
temperatures called the 'Color curve sheet' or 'Color - Temperature
relationship'. My manual is one of the old ones where you got the manual for
each stage, I think now they just have the one big manual and the 'Finishing the
flying surfaces' section may be elsewhere or may not be there at all.

Basically, a 90 deg F ambient air  temperature translates into the following
skin temperatures:

White - 138 deg F
Yellow and pink (yuk) - 146 deg F
Light Blue/Aluminum - 152 deg F
Purple/Blue - 160 deg F
Light green - 166 deg F
Orange/Tan - 173 deg F
Red/Green - 192 deg F
Brown - 205 deg F
Black - 212 deg F

White surfaces absorb very little (10%) of the suns heat while black (95%) will
heat up greatly.

Think I'll paint my wings white! Trim stripes I think are OK as they would not
necessarily be in direct sunlight so I think you could get away with moderately
darker colors - they are smaller in area too.

Still messing about with side views and colored crayons!


Martin Tuck
Wichita, Kansas

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