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Re: Door Security

Subject: Re: Door Security
From: David Watts <>
Date: Tue, 24 Jun 1997 23:11:21
>An alternative to the door warning switches. If a horizontal peg was 
>fitted on the door aperture flange such that it engaged in a hole in the 
>lower door frame just forward of the door lock mechanism,   not only would 
>it facilitate the closure of the door by aligning it  fore and aft, (the 
>gas strut, acting on the rear of the door, seems to produce a slight twist 
>in the door as it is closed by the handle at the front and it has to be 
>maneuvered forward slightly at the bottom to fit correctly)but it would 
>make it impossible for the door to open once the lock was closed even if 
>the rear bolt had not engaged. >Ted.

Well done Ted. This is a brilliantly simple idea.

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