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breakers vs fuses

Subject: breakers vs fuses
From: Robert L. Nuckolls III <>
Date: Sat, 7 Jun 1997 01:56:26

 /At FL180 in a  Beech Baron both alternator circuit breakers 
 /popped when I turned on Prop De-ice.  Shutting off the prop 
 /heat and resetting the circuit breakers allowed the flight 
 /to continue with some difficulty with prop ice management.  
 /The landing gear circuit breaker popped on my Bonanza on take 
 /-off.  After resetting the breaker the gear operated normally.  
 /That was 200 hours ago. There have been other similar experiences 
 /which cause me to prefer circuit breakers over fuses.

  In a certified airplane with systems DESIGNED to nuisance
  trip, you've got no choice. Beech isn't about to fix the problem.
  But repeat after me, "my airplane is going to be totally free 
  of nuisance trips or fuse pops."  It's these kinds of experiences
  that make us wary of having circuit protection out of reach.
  Stories abound about saved the day with a reset of a breaker 
  or two  . . . and for our aging fleet of heavy iron, the story 
  isn't likely to change. (Except when I get my total electrical 
  system resurection STC done and that will affect only a very 
  few airplanes.)

  Amateur built airplanes can and should be completely free
  of such concerns.  I find it interesting that the "experts"
  in light-plane systems no longer reside with B,P,C, M or the
  FAA. You guys are now keepers of the flame.

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