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Stab Tip Shaping Summary

Subject: Stab Tip Shaping Summary
From: Tony Renshaw <>
Date: Wed, 28 May 1997 08:38:21
Having in the last couple of months done this job, I would like to offer
what I believe is a defiitive answer to the obvious queries that will arise
about doing this job. I simply used the method that Tony "Consonant" offered
on this forum with 2 exceptions which streamline and guarantee a good
result. Tony stated:
> Once you have done the simple vertical cut, this may help you shape the
tip itself. 
> Draw a horizontal line along the centre of the piece.
> Draw a horizontal line between this centre line and the top surface to
divide the
> vertical face in two (LINE A).
> Draw a straight line on the upper surface to link the ends of the curve
and then draw another line to divide the distance between this line and the
edge into two (LINE B). Grab a saw and, at 45 degrees, cut away the edge
section using LINE A and LINE B as guides. Draw three more lines, the first
dividing the upper surface into two (LINE C), the second dividing the 45
degree surface into two (LINE D) and the third dividing the vetical surface
into two (LINE E)
Make two cuts, the first using LINE C and LINE D as guides, the second using
LINE D and LINE E as guides.
You should now have an edge with five facets.( SHOULD BE  4 I THINK)
Turn the stabilator over and do the same for the other side.
Grab your trusty sanding spline and gently even out the facets to end up
with a perfect tip surface.

I add:
The face created by cutting between LINE C &D, and LINE D & E should now be
bisected and 2 new reference lines added, namely LINE F & G. These 2 new
lines are actually radius's (plural!), and when you contour sand initially
start lets say at the top tape line and transition down toLINE F, removing
the high spot of LINE C. Continue down to the new LINE G, removing the high
spot of LINE D. Continue down to the vertical face MID LINE, removing the
high spot of LINE E.
This isn't hard to prove to yourself with graph paper, and if you DONT
remove the new LINES F & G in the process, they will act as ideal transition
references as you proceed to contour sand the tips.
This method will ensure mirror image tips, and you won't have to worry about
taking off too much foam, and then what do you do.
Happy shaping.

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