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Mod 37??

Subject: Mod 37??
From: Martin J.Tuck <>
Date: Sat, 24 May 1997 14:31:26
Anyone have any advise??

<< Mod 37??

Having just received my Mod 29 Landing Gear Damper kit I am puzzled by the
instructions regarding 1/4 inch plywood spacer. The rubber block I have is red
but the only mod I had to make to it was to cut a vee in it at mod 16.
Additional work was also called for at mod 26 when the holes were opened up for
the soon to be redundant stop blocks.

The Damper mod instructions talk about a 1/4 inch plywood block being introduced
for red blocks at Mod 37 - something about a shock absorber mod - but I thought
the last mod was 36 the defunct U-bolt mod.

Have I missed something? I've had another look and I'm pretty sure my
instructions have never mentioned anything about a 1/4 inch plywood block.

The damper mod instructions say that if you have a red block then this must be
fitted - but where?

Any help would be appreciated. >>


Martin Tuck

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