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Re: Pulley Installation

Subject: Re: Pulley Installation
From: Europa Aviation Ltd <>
Date: Tue, 22 Apr 1997 14:11:56
John Moran wrote on 15/4/97:-

>Figure 6 in chapter 17 which shows the installation of the rudder cable
>pulley is somewhat optimistic about the size of the hard point actually
>installed. If one scales the drawing up based on the size of the pulley one
>would expect the forward end of the hard point to be 8.4cm from the rear
>vertical face; the measured value on my kit is 7.4cm.
>In marking out the positions for the pulley and seat belt holes per the
>drawing I found that the seat belt bolt would be under the pulley rather than
>clear of the pulley as shown in the drawing.
>Since spacers will be added under the pulley, it is not clear whether the
>pulley will interfere with the end of the bolt if it is drilled per
>instructions. Some guidance here would be appreciated.
Some of the figures in the manual are hand drawn for illustration purposes 
only and may not be to scale.  Figure 6 on page 17-3 is porbably one of them.

If you move the pulley hole centre aft by 0.5" there should be the required 
clearance.  Let me know if you still find difficulty.


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