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Re: Pulley Installation

Subject: Re: Pulley Installation
From: Tony Renshaw <>
Date: Sat, 19 Apr 1997 12:21:04
I've just come back from a day visit to another Europa builder in
Adelaide/South Australia, who had the same problem. For info, he relocated
the pulley hole down  by using a smaller locally sourced pulley, and
maintaining the same cable run. This effectively lowers the centre, and top,
of the pulley and avoids this fouling problem. I am nowhere near this stage
but I also noted his setup for his rudder cables was such that he used a
little pulley just inside of the front of the wheelwell that kept the cable
run parallel with the longitudinal axis and clear of the gear. He made up a
block which changed the plane of rotation of the pulley such that it canted
inward at the top, no doubt to be perpendicular with the desired cable run.
This block was attached to the inside of the wheelwell, and the bolt
required was bracketted on the inside of the cockpit module with a L shaped
backing plate distributing the load onto the bottom of the firewall as well.
This setup avoids having to use spacers which intrude into an already
cramped location. I hope this helps.
Dino, I hope your dad doesn't mind me giving away his secrets! Say gidday
for me and I really enjoyed the visit and  learned a lot!  Cassie, my
daughter, had a great day as well, thanks to your mum! 
Tony Renshaw
Builder No.236

>Figure 6 in chapter 17 which shows the installation of the rudder cable
>pulley is somewhat optimistic about the size of the hard point actually
>installed. If one scales the drawing up based on the size of the pulley one
>would expect the forward end of the hard point to be 8.4cm from the rear
>vertical face; the measured value on my kit is 7.4cm.
>In marking out the positions for the pulley and seat belt holes per the
>drawing I found that the seat belt bolt would be under the pulley rather than
>clear of the pulley as shown in the drawing.
>Since spacers will be added under the pulley, it is not clear whether the
>pulley will interfere with the end of the bolt if it is drilled per
>instructions. Some guidance here would be appreciated.
>    John Moran, A044

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