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RE: Trim Systems, et. als.

Subject: RE: Trim Systems, et. als.
From: Charles Parker <>
Date: Sun, 20 Apr 1997 14:12:08
I have Eudora ver 3.0 which thinks it has decoded your attachments,
however, this is not the case. All I get in notepad is gobblygook. What are
you using or more to the point, what must I use to decode your attachments?
>I think that whenever we can serve our purpose with something that is simple 
>and mechanical, meaning non-electrical, (no offence Bob!) . . . and does
the job         that's intended, then we've accomplished a lot. 
>Why the fear of things electrical? An electronic system, if well designed,
can be many times more reliable than a mechanical system. A small amount of
light and reliable electronics to complement existing systems can be very
beneficial. I am going to use a totally electronic engine management and
fuel management system in my aircraft because I know it can simplify my
cockpit management. I know that a small computer is going to be a much more
reliable scanner of engine parameters than I ever will be - if something
goes out of spec then the computer can warn me both visually and verbally.
This leaves me to do the important task of flying and frees me more scan
time to watch out for the guy who has his eyes inside the aircraft all the
time. Simple electronics on board can be used to assist with safety...every
car you drive has a doors closed indicator - why not your aircraft? For
under $10 you can have a very effective check on doors latches and for only
a few dollars more this can be extended to pip pin status.
>I go along with Bob's - no resettable breakers in the cockpit  - policy as
well. In fact I am going with solid state fuses and an LED indicator panel
to show the status of each circuit. Having been in electronics for the past
20 years I was amazed the first time I flew an aircraft to discover how
much space on a panel is devoted to circuit breakers. If a breaker trips
there is a good electrical reason that it did so and pushing it in to see
if you can reintroduce the fault is not the way to resolve the issue!  That
breaker popped for a good reason and it really wants to stay that way until
you are on the ground.
>Anyway, enough of the woffle - I unpacked my fuselage kit yesterday and I
have a zillion pieces to count :)
>Attachment Converted: "c:\program files\eudora\attach\RE Europa_Mail Trim
Systems, "

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