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Trim Systems, et. als.

Subject: Trim Systems, et. als.
From: Robert L. Nuckolls III <>
Date: Thu, 17 Apr 1997 22:38:47

 A number of items went by on this topic recently
 and several have statements/questions that I'd like to
 comment on. The following mini-diatribe is a response
 to a mixture of original posts:

    One gentleman asked what the the big deal was about trim
    runaway and allowed as how stick forces shouldn't become
    so great as to make things unmanagable . . . 

 I'll suggest that stick forces alone, while they may not
 be great for a particular situation, there may be elements
 of surprise or distraction that precipitate the mishap.
 Grahm's situation is a good example. His airplane may indeed
 have been quite flyable in the condition he discovered but
 as soon as he sensed something wrong, his modus-operandi
 became one of aborting a takeoff within the spaces which
 remained in front of him.

 Had he KNOWN exactly what the problem was, elected to deal with
 it and continued the take-off, the whole thing might well have
 ended more happily. But he DIDN'T know and elected to reject
 the takeoff. The damage to his airplane was not a direct result
 of trim runaway but from a secondary set of circumstances that
 might have been triggered by any number of other malfunctions.

 Let's consider the issue of stick forces for trim extremes.
 How many of you already flying KNOW how manageable your airplane
 is with trim set to either limit? This experiment should be
 part of your flyoff plan. Go around the patch with increasing
 degrees of mis-trim in both directions. Do the same exercise
 at cruising speeds as well.  Land, and note the position of your
 trim tab or make careful note of what your trim indicator meter
 says (I like them MUCH better than three-light systems). Do this
 exercise for both forward and aft C.G. locations . . . some 
 airplanes handle very differently at their C.G. limits.   

 If you find that your system as currently configured is
 CAPABLE of presenting you with uncomfortable stick forces,
 you should take steps to physically limit the tab's travel. 
 This should be accomplished by reconfiguration of horn 
 and linkage geometry. I've seen builders add auxiliary
 hard mechanical stops which caused damage to their actuators
 because the internal limit switches were set OUTSIDE the 
 travel of the hard stops.

 Many homebuilts have far too much trim authority both in travel
 -and- speed.  I'm building trim controllers right now for 
 a group of TA-16 Trojan builders (a big, all metal, 4-place
 anphib).  We've discovered in early flight testing that the
 MAC servos (it takes two per airplane) are much too fast 
 with a full 14 volts applied in cruise.  However, if we
 slow them down with voltage adjustment for cruise, then
 the system is frustratingly slow during approach.  The answer
 in this case is a two-speed switch build into the trim controller. 

 For the Lear 35's I used a switch that actuated at 10
 degress of flap or greater to initiate high speed operation.
 On the Lear 55 we had a microswitch on the stabilizer
 actuator to select trim speed . . . the stab jack was
 aways set for a LOT of up-trim in the approach configuration.

 I proposed a later design for the Lears that would use
 air data values for IAS and adjust trim speed accordingly
 to give the pilot a fixed perception of trim action irrespective
 of IAS.  They never did act on that proposal. A similar
 system is still quite applicable to airplanes like the
 Lancair or Venture.  Ships the size of Europa and Kitfox
 can probably get by with a single speed but you still need
 to decide WHAT the most comfortable speed is and design that
 into your system.

 On big airplanes, trim speed was limited by the pilot's
 ability to react to a trim runaway. Hands in lap and
 a/c trimed for level flight - trim runaway initiated.
 Pilot had to wait 3 seconds before reacting. Trim 
 excursions were not allowed to be so fast that he
 could not regain control of the airplane. The 3-second
 wait was to allow for the "surprise" factor I spoke
 of above.

    Has anyone seen the trim used on the Rans S6?  
    It's looks very much like the Cessna type . . .
    . . . wheel for an adjuster.  The wheel is part of a worm drive 
    hooked to a solid wire/cable back to the tab.  Very simple,  
    light weight and all mechanical, no electrics, easy to 
    see indicator. . . . 

 There are many variations on the theme out there. The most 
 important design consideration is slack and/or deflection
 loading that can occur in the system when new, when at end
 of service life -AND- when some part of it becomes disconnected. 

 The reason I'm doing this electric trim for the Trojan is because
 one builder experience a very dynamic, low speed "flutter" that
 drove the elevators stop to stop at about a 1 cycle per second
 rate. Very violent but fortunately it occured at low speeds
 (approach) and didn't overstress anything. They're not sure what
 combination of things brought it back under control (the yolk
 was untouchable during the event) but recovery and landing was

 The problem proved to be slack generated in the mechanical trim
 system when pitch loads deflected structure between cockpit
 and tail.  After all things were considered, a very short
 coupled electric system seemed to be in order.  We've begun
 flight testing and have yet to develop limits and speeds but
 it WILL be done and SHOULD be done on every new airplane. 

   Seems like we (meaning most kitbuilders and manufacturers) spend 
   a tremendous amount of time trying to make things more complex 
   in the quest of convenience.  Perhaps we should just look around 
   more at what has already been done by others so that we can improve 
   on good sound concepts.  I don't mean that we shouldn't try to 
   come up with something new; there's nothing wrong with that.  
   It's just that new isn't necessarily always better.  I think that 
   whenever we can serve our purpose with something that is simple 
   and mechanical, meaning non-electrical, (no offence Bob!) . . . 

 No offence taken . . .

       . . . and does the job that's intended, then we've 
       accomplished a lot. 

 But take care that "simplification" doesn't negate some very
 important aspect of system performance that the original designer
 worked very hard to insure.  When it comes to structures and
 aerodynamics, not everything is plug-n-play.  Amateur builders
 have enviable opportunities to explore and incorporate
 improvements but there are sound engineering and flight test
 principals that have kept test pilots alive for a lot of years.
 In the Trojan project alone, I came close to loosing two clients
 in two different incidents in a half a year. All attributable to
 deficiencies in ORIGINAL design that came to light long after the
 first airplane had flown. 

 Rigidity, multiple load paths, travel limits, speed characterization,
 satisfactory failure mode effects analysis, etc. are not just buzz
 words.  Before you consider any modifications, talk to the kit
 designer.  Bring your ideas to every forum that will discuss it with
 you. Stand up before the world and defend your approach. Only after
 you can field all the rocks thrown are you ready to build. Then,
 seek the advice of an experienced test pilot to build a flight test
 plan that allows you to sneak up on potential problems and perhaps
 tickle them just enought to make 'em giggle . . . before they
 turn around and bite.                                       

 There's nothing wrong with looking at other approaches . . . for  
 airplanes like Kitfox, may I suggest you look over the system
 on the early Pipers?  The PA-22 has a mini-stabilizer jack
 screw driven by a crank and cable arrangement from the cockpit
 overhead.  The aerodynamic rigidity of this particular system
 is excellent. Lot's of it's pieces can come unhooked without
 causing a hazardous condition. 

 I'm all for simplification whether elecrical or mechanical but I'd
 also like to read contributions to these forums that
 speak of carefully explored successes; not of smoking holes in 
 the ground.


    Bob . . . 
    AeroElectric Connection
                  (o o)
    |                               |
    |  Go ahead, make my day . . .  |
    |   Show me where I'm wrong.    |

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