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Re: Washout errors...

Subject: Re: Washout errors...
From: Graham Singleton <>
Date: Fri, 17 Jan 1997 17:24:35
>>What do you recommend the incidence should be a 70 percent of span? As there
is washout it can't be the
same as the root incidence given in the manual.<<

Set up the first, best ?:-) wing using the root incidence. Then measure the 70%
incidence and match the other wing to it.

A spirit level is accurate to 1/10th of a degree or less, just doesn't tell you
the angle. I prefer the level for these jobs it's analog, not digital so you get
a better impressuion of trends. Whichever you use, mark one end forward and one
aft, never swap ends, or up and down for that matter.


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