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Re: tmdgmet: Problems with METARS

Subject: Re: tmdgmet: Problems with METARS
From: Colin Wray <>
Date: Wed, 28 Aug 1996 20:54:34

>       Actually, Tom, I have twenty-one - yes, count them - twenty-one copies
my Trash 
>folder!   Not that I mind - gives the old fingers a little exercise and
keeps the arthritis away 

>       As a matter of fact I thought it was a plot to swamp the Net with
duplicated messages and 
>I was wondering who to blame this time - the Moral Majority or the CIA

Well it wasn't Tom's fault, it was a combination of my ISP and the majordomo
software at avnet. What happened was a system crash at my ISP, which
produced mail bounces for one hour, during which time avnet sent copies of
the returned mail to all subscribers, including me, which got bounced by my
ISP, which avnet ......

It is exponential, a little longer downtime, a few more messages, and
everyone is swamped. I have dropped them a note pointing this out.

Sorry for the inconvenience (I got 32 copies eventually).

-- Colin

Colin Wray, Greenchurch Software Ltd, UK

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