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Re: BMW engine

Subject: Re: BMW engine
From: Ian Seager <>
Date: Mon, 19 Aug 1996 23:43:56
We also covered the Zoche diesel a while ago, but, from what I can find out
there is a long long long way to go. I have spoken to some people who I
respect and who have had meetings with Dr Zoche, not to put too fine a
point on it, don't hold your breath...

>Here's the go, forget the BMW; why not a diesel in the Europa?
>I read an article, Zoche Diesels, in the June PILOT magazine (UK) about
>a Germam, Michael Zoche "developing a new generation of turbocharged
>diesels for light aircraft running on cheap jet fuel" it goes on to say
>"they offer enormous potential - but there are problems."  (:-{
>They claim a 172/cherokee 160 would have a near 1,000 mile range!
>The benefits: no valves to burn out; no icing; no magnetos to fail; no
>plugs to foul; for the engine no electrics at all (although they do
>write about "The injection pressures have risen from a few hundred psi
>to 20,00psi - and 40,000psi is in prospect. Electronic control increases
>They claim a compact aircooled four cylinder turbo-charged direct drive
>radial would produce 150 hp (would the europa be able to handle that?);
>two cylinders 90hp and 8 cylinder radial 300hp (how would the europa
>look with an 8 cylinder radial up front? M E A N!!! (how about 2
>cylinders then?) From what they say the engines are quite compact.
>Food for thought? Get the magazine, read the article it seems to make a
>great deal of sense.
>Denys Gover
>Canberra Australia

Ian Seager FLYER Magazine, 3 Kingsmead Square, Bath, BA1 2AB
Tel: 01225 481440 Fax: 01225 481262

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