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Aviation Subaru Mailing List

Subject: Aviation Subaru Mailing List
From: Peter Thomas <>
Date: Sun, 7 Jul 1996 05:33:21
I just noticed this on rec.aviation.homebuilt. Should be of interest to all the
Aero Developments fans ! 

SNIP >>>>>
---From Kevin Hester....

I'd like to announce the creation of the "airsoob" mailing list.  The purpose
of this list is to provide a high quality discussion forum for those
interested in aviation use of the Subaru engine.  This list is primarily for
the discussion of the detailed tricks people are using - not for heated "my
engine is better than your engine" sorta' stuff.  We already have a good gang
of Soob fliers on the list.  Come join them!

To subscribe:
Send an email to "".  This email should contain
a single line which reads:

When you subscribe you will automatically receive a welcome message with some
background info.  To send a message to the readership, send your message to
"".  Messages will be collected into an archive and
forwarded to all readers.

There is no charge for this mailing list, and I have no commercial interest in

Subaru conversions.  I just want to provide the same high quality interaction
I see on the Dragonfly mailing list.  Let's all learn from each other.


S. Kevin Hester             

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