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Subject: G-ODTI
From: Graham Singleton <>
Date: Wed, 5 Jun 1996 19:14:29
THis is Europa's new Monowheel demonstrator. She flew for the first time
yesterday and has by now done around 4 hours. Excellent says our leader. "Dotty"
has the benefit of a proper cold air box, (still no hot air!?) and apparently
has much better rate of climb etc. What a surprise ;-). I suppose imitation is
the next best thing to a compliment. Ivan says he thinks the heat of the exhaust
etc. will be enough to keep the carb body warm enough to prevent ice formation.

The plan is to fly her to Stauning tomorrow for the Danish rally. Seem to
remember he took YURO there when that little bird was quite young! 
I have been summoned to Wombleton with GK Whip tomorrow morning so that the only
existing bounce moderator can be swopped onto Dotty 8-<. I shall miss it. 

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