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Re: Introduction & Questions

Subject: Re: Introduction & Questions
From: Peter Davis <>
Date: Sun, 19 May 1996 16:05:01
Hi Norbert. Welcome to the builders club. As Ivan said in his interview with the
June issue of 'Pilot' magazine, anyone who is going to build a 'plane has to be
a penny short of a shilling!

With regard to the knife trimming, I gave up at a very early stage, realizing
that I could be up until 03.00hrs or so waiting for the stuff to do it's bit.

I now leave it to go off in it's own time, ensuring a good night's sleep in the
meantime, and cut the surplus off with a junior hack saw blade the next morning
or whenever, leaving the glass 1mm-ish  proud of the foam.

The remainder can then be sanded down to level with the foam when it has fully
cured. Works just as well and saves any hassle trying to time the job to be sure
you will be able to go to bed at a reasonable time.


Peter (C154)

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