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Re: Re: 28v Power Supply/ Graham Laucht

Subject: Re: Re: 28v Power Supply/ Graham Laucht
From: Graham E Laucht <>
Date: Mon, 13 May 1996 22:31:15
In message <>, writes
>Several months ago someone ( I believe it was Graham Laucht)  published a
>circuit design for a 12 - 28 volt converter, to drive a Turn & Slip. I am
>looking for some way of driving a 28 volt radio ( rated at .6 ampere ).

OK here we go nasty ascii time:

Vin +12.5-*------------*-----L1-----*---+D1|---*-------*---Vout +28V
to 15.5V  |            |            |          |       |        0.6A
          |          __________________        |       |
       C1 - +       |  5            4  |       |    C3 - +
          -         |                  |    R2 >       -
          |         |   LM2577T-ADJ    |       <       |
          |   |-----|1      U1         |       >       |
          |   |     |                2 |-------|       |
          | C2-     |                  |       >       |
          |   -     |_________3________|    R3 <       |
          |   |               |                >       |
          |   >               |                |       |
          | R1<               |                |       |
          |   <               |                |       |
          |   |               |                |       |

That wasn't too painful after all!

All parts Maplin references:

R1 1K8 resistor M1K8
R2 43K resistor M43K
Re 2K0 resistor M2K0
C1 10uF 35V Min electro JL05F
C2 470n Min ceramic RA52G
C3 470U 50V High frequency electro JL53H
L1 Newport 14-334-28 330uH Inductor AL23A
D1 2A Ultra fast recovery diode MUR240 GX41U or
Shottky diode (International Rectifier 21DQ04, Motorola 1N5822)
U1 National LM2577T-ADJ Switching regulator

As drawn the output will be a shade under 28V but it makes component
selection easier. Don't substitute C3 for any ordinary electro cap.
Don't substitute C1 for a pill pack tantalum, the CAA doesn't like them.
DI anode shown connected to L1 and U1/4, cathode to R2,C2 and output.
Keep all earth tracks minimal and direct especially C3 to U1/3.
With care it can be constructed on 0.100" pitch stripboard.
Mount in a small diecast box away from any instrumentation and compass.
Feed with breakered or fused supply ~2.0A

Check output with voltmeter into a dummy load first, 47ohm 20W resistor
or two 21W car flasher bulbs wired in series. Switcher transistor (U1)
shouldn't require a heatsink but it could be mounted to the diecast box.
Tab is ground so no need to isolate.
Graham E Laucht

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