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Re: Strobes/Be seen

Subject: Re: Strobes/Be seen
Date: Mon, 29 Apr 1996 17:48:07
Reference the use of strobes, I get the impresion that builders have been
going for several options. I believe Peter Kember has fitted the Goldwing
strobes, and some have gone for the Wheelen unit. I have opted for Wheelen,
the PSU will drive up to 3 strobes each with a multiple burst flash. I have
opted for two strobes one on tail and one on belly -  havent decided where . 
Its worth phoning Aircraft Spruce (UK) and speaking to David Dawson. Although
there is a lot to choose from in reality only one or two are suitable units.
I had thought of mounting the belly strobe on the swinging undercarriage arm
so when retracted the flash pointed forward, but Europa arent too happy about
me drilling this high stress component. Im not keen on mounting it in the
rear fuselage or near the fuel tank just in case of stray fuel vapours. There
is also the question of the proximity of my numerous aerials in the fuselage
and any possible interference. I think it will probably end up on the lower
engine cowling (just forward of the swinging arm), unless this conflicts with
the exhaust exit. Will have to wait until we fit the engine.
Any suggestions from those who are flying or nearly finished, Graham ?

Carl Pattinson

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