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Re: Digital Clinometers

Subject: Re: Digital Clinometers
From: Richard Meredith-Hardy <>
Date: Fri, 17 Nov 1995 12:33:22
 Allan Hall asked about Digital bubbles....

I have a Bosch one which reads to 0.1 degree.  It is very good at
relative levels but exceedingly complicated to reset to absolute
levels. (for this I use an ordinary bubble) I got it from "any good
tools shop" and it cost about GBP 80 - 100 if I remember correctly.

I would have got the aircraft spruce one which I think is cheaper
but they didn't have one in at the time.  It is good because the
clever bit can be removed from the straight edge and inserted in
ones of different lengths or in a jig of your own making. (I have a
friend in Italy who has incorporated one in a ground adjustable
prop pitch adjusting jig which works beautifully and is far more
accurate and easier to use than any other device I have ever seen.)
Having not seen one for a while I can't remember their resolution
but I would suggest you need one no worse than 0.1 deg. It is also
vital that whatever one you get it can be zeroed at any angle of
your choice so you can easily get relative levels. 


Richard Meredith-Hardy         TEL + 44 (0)1462 834776        FAX + 44 (0)1462 732668
CIS: 100071,2422

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